If I knew then, what I know now about COLOUR….
Porosity And integrity of the hair will make or break your color .
Any good colourist will tell you the same thing, the porosity of each and every person is different. I have learned over the years to just say NO.
NO I will not bleach your hair until oblivion.
NO I wont make you a bleach blonde from BLACK in one appointment.
As a new stylist 12 years ago, I made the mistake of over bleaching hair and trying to make my clients happy with the color she wanted. She would bring in a picture of Jlo with a bronde colour against her dark skin….when my client was a beautiful pale skinned redhead. Being completely naive to what was in store for me, I would try to accomplish this for her.
It never worked out.
And you can only imagine how horrible it ended up looking.
That was my first lesson. To always ask of my clients to bring in inspo looks that resemble them and that are realistic enough.
I have learned along the way, The integrity of my clients hair is more important than the color.
You can use the same formula on 10 different people and the color will turn out differently on each and every person. Not only that, the color keeps changing throughout the weeks. And, each and every visit will not be exactly the same either because of hormones, health, environmental factors and lifestyle.
So, if I could go back and just say NO. I would.