Extensions can change your life…
If you’re seeing this email you have at some point contacted us about our services or wanted more information.
That means, you value your hair.
We believe that hair is never “just hair”.
We have transformed dozens and dozens of women over the years with luxury extensions and custom toppers.
2021 was filled with amazing women and amazing stories about how they ended up in our chair.
Hair really can change someone’s life with the way they feel.
If you have been on the fence with pulling the trigger and actually booking your reservation with us because of the stories in your head that worry you, (Everyone will know I got extensions! My family will think it’s selfish! And so on)…
Understand that you are worthy and deserve to feel amazing.
When you are ready to experience this life changing service, click here to apply and get a free over the phone consultation to go over all your hair goals.