Going FAST is not necessarily FASTER
Hand Tied extensions are intricate and tedious. The method is always growing and evolving.
My first year I was slow. It took me a couple hours to only put in 1 row…and really patient loyal guests I trusted to never leave me.
It has taken me YEARS to be fast.
Most clients are in and out for their move ups in around 3 hrs.
For extensions, that is pretty amazing.
Initial appointments take longer no matter what I do. With colouring their bio hair, coloring each weft custom and then installing, with some time to spare for a pic or two, initial appointments take up to 4 or 5 hours.
Sometimes if my day is busy, going with speed is the only way to keep afloat.
BUT…it sometimes backfires.
Going fast with an intricate detail oriented ART such as Natural Beaded Rows is my worst enemy. Fight or flight can wreak havoc on my work. Going FAST doesn’t mean you are actually speeding things up….actually it’s opposite.
Going fast turns into fucking up…
I have learned taking my time and doing the job focused on the details pays off.
When you are ready to have your dream hair with zero damage 📲📲📲Text 206-919-8717